The Petoskey Todd Collection of Petoskey and Charlevoix Stones


Sleeping Bear Dunes

In the background is South and North Manitou Island.  Amazing part of the planet and a must see.



Lake Charlevoix

Anybody out there know about the clay?  Young State Park?  It's a secret!


Brown Trout!

This is why the Pine river is amazing.  Besides the views of bluffs, bald eagles, beavers, muskrats and dunes... For starters.



Hands down one of the most remote, pristine, serene and gorgeous camp sites in Michigan.  But hey, still looking!


North Manitou Island

Very few ever get to see this view.  Desolate, beautiful, awe inspiring wilderness.  


Small Mouth Heaven

Fishing at its absolute best.   


Celebrating her State!

We met Kathlene Herm at a winery on Mission Peninsula.  Love it!


Petoskey Stones!

Treasures unique to Michigan.  Every adventure in Michigan should include a hunt. 


Photo by Kelly Dulong

Sunset over Lake Michigan in Ludington, MI

The sun sets over lake Michigan.  There's a new one every night!